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Welcome to Borbo Safaris Ltd

Tanzania is one of destinations you never want to miss! Known to be the best safari destinations in Africa. The country is home to the famous Mount Kilimanjaro also known as the “Roof of Africa” , the tallest mountain in Africa and the tallest freestanding mountain in the world. Millions of visitors travel to Tanzania each year to experience the breathtaking event of the great wildebeest migration which happens annually, Approximately two million wildebeests, zebras, and gazelles migrate annually through Tanzania’s Serengeti Plains to the grasslands of Masai Mara in Kenya.

The coral and white sand beaches in Zanzibar, Pemba, the Ngorongoro Crater, Olduvai Gorge, Lake Tanganyika and the numerous national parks and game reserves makes Tanzania one of Africa’s most inviting destinations for travelers. Tanzania is a safe country with sociable people and a steady government. Its location on the east coast of Africa, makes it easy to access with any means of transportation. If you are planning to visit Tanzania but you want to have a idea of where to start or how to get there, we are here to guide and suggest you the best ways in which to make you Tanzania experience most rewarding.


Choose a Luxury Lodge Safari from our special designed packages.


Choose a Budget Camping Safari from our special designed packages.


Choose a route to use from our Kilimanjaro packages.


Choose itinerary for your beach holiday adventures

Why Tanzania Safari?

An African safari involves several wildlife game drives, staying in remote locations, and observing the behavior and survival skills of Nature’s inhabitants.   For 2 weeks, the novice explorer chooses to be electronically unplugged from the modern world.   Each day on safari is a series of spontaneous, unexpected, natural events.
One never knows which game animals or adventurous sights one will experience. 

The encounters are: a bull elephant charging the 4 wheel drive (4WD) safari vehicle; thousands of wildebeests thundering away from predators; lions mating; a leopard family at play; baby elephants helping each other, unsuccessfully, climb out of a muddy watering hole; vervet monkeys stealing food and drink; hippos turning a pink hue in the noonday sun; and innumerable families of giraffes, baboons, lions, hyenas, leopards, monkeys, warthogs, zebras, wildebeests, elephants, cape buffaloes, hippos, mongooses, gazelles, vultures, and ostriches.   Every wild animal plays a specific role in the ecosystem of Africa.   Some animals are predators, others are prey, and still others are scavengers.   Most predators attack the vital organs and soft tissues, while others consume calcium rich bone or tough outer hides, leaving few animal remains to blemish the landscape.   Every safari is unique and exciting.   The opportunity to view Africa’s wildlife and meet the indigenous people enriches one’s world.   Knowledge acquired for an African adventure ensures a rich appreciation of the safari experience.